Blog #3 The Mayan Story
The book Popol Vuh the scared book of the Maya was translated by Allen J. Christenson. The book was very interesting I really enjoyed most of the stories it goes over. My favorite was the defeat of Zipacna. In this story the key characters were Zipcana, Hunahpu and Xbalanque. In this story we learn about Zipcana was lead to his own death. (Christenson 107) goes over his final moments. We are also given-why the hero twins did this on (Christenson 105).
The hero twins playing a game of the Mayan ball game with the underworld gods.
Source: The Maya Hero Twins (
One Hunahpu and Seven Hunahpu where the original twins. The two loved to play the mayan ball game and they were pretty good at it but they were noisy when they played. One day the gods of the underworld and the lords of death had enough of their ruckus. They then summoned the twins to (Xibalba the maya underworld. In Xibalba the boys were put though various tests. They ended up failing a test which lead to them being sacrificed and buried. On (Christenson 125) it goes over their fall. Which was a shame but according to (Christenson 130) one Hunahpu had managed to have two twins with the maiden Lady Blood. The two were named Hunahpu and Xbalanque. Growing up they also enjoyed the mayan ball game. They were pretty good since they played a lot. However one day they also annoyed the gods of the underworld just like their father and uncle. They were also summoned but the big difference was that the hero twins knew what had happened to their father and uncle. They knew the underworld gods' tricks because they met rat that told them all about it (Christenson 151). In the underworld everytime the hero twins were put to the test and they passed. When playing games of ball game they did not fall for the gods trying to use a ball with sharp blades. After the hero twins beat the underworld gods fair and square after losing some games the gods then got mad. The lords of death ordered them to jump into an oven and the hero twins followed with their order. The twins were killed and the ashes were thrown into a river. Little did the lords of death knew that when the ashes became part of the river the hero twins were able to come back to life as catfish. When they come back the boys have powers that helped kill the lords of death. Unlike one Hunahpu and sven Hunahpu the hero twins were able to defeat the lords of death in the end. On (Christenson 185) it goes over the hero twins sacrificing the lords of Xibalba.
This image shows the two hero twins.
Source:The Hero Twins of the Maya Creation Story – Mexico Unexplained
The hero twins' actions of being able to defeat the lords of death gave them a better legacy than their father and uncle. Since they were seen as smarter individuals. They were semi-gods they were able to bring back their father back to life and turn him into the maize god. (Christenson 189). Thanks to their powers they were able to do a lot of good things.
Works Cited
Popul Vuh by Allen J.Christenson
The Hero Twins of the Maya Creation Story – Mexico Unexplained
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