My Humanities Story
Raul Flores Page 1
Professor Moore
Hum 331
15 December 2021
This year of 2021 I read a few books that I would have never considered reading since I personally don't really like reading books.However some of my college classes this semester and the spring semester introduced me to some really interesting books.Throughout this year not counting the big specific class books that include different units I have read Black like me by John Howard Griffin, Popul Vuh The Scared Book Of The Maya by Allen J. Christenson, Fresh Fruit,Broken Bodies:Migrant Farmworkers in the United States by Seth M.Holmes.Out of the these three books my favorite one was the most recent one Fresh Fruit,Broken Bodies:Migrant Farmworkers in the United States.The book was easy to read since it had me hooked to continue after each chapter which doesn't happen with most books I read.
My theme project this semester of "To what extent are humans responsible for the environment" I believe was decent since it didn't go how I thought it was gonna go but I still think it turned out decent.Along the way there was some set backs that got in the way but that is just part of life.I think our group project could of ended up being better If me and my partner Teresa had more group members but unfortunately that was not the case.The miscommunication in the group at the start before the first draft was due led to a lot of wasted time and potential.Although this I still enjoyed doing the project as a duo the only thing was that it was hard to put in a lot of time into it for me due to work and other classes.What I enjoyed most of the project was going back in time to review some of the material that I had completely forgotten about.This project was a mind refresher and I really liked how the teacher made us do this project since it was very helpful.This was how our final project ended up .In total I believe me and partner spent a few days working on the project around 5 days like on and off so far in college this semester was the most challenging when it came to finals in terms of time management.Hopefully during the spring semester I manage to get better at managing my time to not be stressed most of the time over school work.
Thinking back on my first week in this class of Humanities I didn't know what to expect since I had never heard of humanities class before.The main reason I enrolled in the class was to meet a requirement but once I started reading module 0 I felt good about enrolling in this class.Module 0 was very helpful for me to learn a bit of the class. It also showed me that the teacher was a good one since she you could tell right away that she put in a lot of effort to familiarize students to the class.Before reading anything from of module 0 I did not feel that confident of the class but after I got a sense of security.At the start of the semester the main two goals I had in mind was to pass the class and learn more information.Now that I have made it to the end of the semester I have learned a lot of new and interesting information about humanities so that is one goal down.Now I just have to hope that I do end up passing the semester.
Recently since it is time to pick my classes for the upcoming spring semester I am debating to take another Humanities class since I really enjoyed this class that it ended up being one of my favorite classes of the semester.In this class the module I enjoyed the most was module three about the Maya since one day I would like to visit some pyramids in Mexico of the Maya.I have a few family members in Mexico that have had the chance to visit some of the Maya pyramids and they have shown me in pictures how they look.That is one of the main reasons why the Maya module was one of the modules that stood out to me.Specifically I would like to visit the pyramid of sun and pyramid of the moon in Teotihuacan which is part of the state of Mexico.Now that I have taken this class I believe I have decent knowledge on the maya since before this class all I knew was that they were from Mexico.In conclusion I am glad this class was a requirement since it was very helpful and interesting for my career and future life.
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